Alexander Ostermann教授做客数理领航第十六讲

2023-09-13 21:08:29

2023年9月9日上午10:00,因斯布鲁克大学(University of Innsbruck)Alexander Ostermann教授应邀于必威·BETWAY理化楼215,作题为“Splitting methods: basics, analysis, modifications, and applications”的学术报告,该报告为数理领航第十六讲。

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报告中,Alexander Ostermann教授首先介绍了如何用分裂方法求解初值问题以及为什么利用分裂方法来求解的原因。接着他介绍了如何将分裂方法应用到Vlasov类型的方程,Kadomtsev–Petviashvili方程、扩散反应方程以及非线性薛定谔方程中,并展示了相应的误差估计结果。随后他向我们展示了当初值条件不光滑时,如果通过修正分裂方法使其保持应有的精度。最后Alexander Ostermann教授向我们介绍了如何利用离散Bourgain空间对非线性薛定谔方程进行低正则性估计。Alexander Ostermann教授在报告中向我们传授了许多数值计算的技巧以及在利用分裂方法处理初边值问题时的注意事项。

报告尾声,Alexander Ostermann教授就数值计算中采用的数值方法及相应的理论分析问题与在座教师进行了热烈的探讨,对学生提出的问题进行了详细解答,大家在报告后纷纷表示学到了很多数值分析和计算的知识,受益匪浅。

Alexander Ostermann is a Full Professor in Department of Mathematics of University of Innsbruck. He is the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics and also the head of the group of numerical analysis and scientific computing of University of Innsbruck.

He received his PhD degree in mathematics from University of Innsbruck in 1988. He became a board member of HPC Austria since 2023 and a study officer for the SP Scientific Computing since 2022. Additionally, he is a board member of EuroCC Austria since 2020.

He is a leading researcher in exponential integrators and splitting methods of PDE. His primary areas of investigation include numerical analysis, exponential integrator, splitting method and low regularity integrators. His research investigates the connection between exponential integrator and topics such as Jacobian matrix and determinant that intersect with problems in variable, stiff equation and numerical stability. His h-index is 36 and he has 10 papers whose citation is over 100 among them the top one achieves 404.



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